6 ways to help yourself through grief

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020

There is no worse feeling in the world than your loved one being taken away from you, it’s crippling and has many ramifications. No little thing that can help soothe the ache of loneliness and nobody can fill the huge void that person has left behind.

The sheer exhaustion we get when grieving can cause us to back away and retreat into our own little world of grief. I have done it, and I still do sometimes, I just want to be left alone to deal with things in my own way. However, this isn’t always helpful to us and we need to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Once we are aware of these things, we can start to notice whether or not something is aiding our healing, or hindering it.

Who we choose to spend our time with can either help us feel less lonely, or result in us feeling lonelier. Throughout this blog I will talk about some of the ways you can help yourself feel a little better and to help you on your grieving journey.

The start of your grieving...

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Finding love after loss

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020

Finding love after loss is not easy. When you’re grieving your partner, it is hard opening your heart to the possibility of love.

But you are allowed to feel happiness after grief. It doesn’t in any way diminish the love you have for your loved one. That will never die. Being a widow myself, I didn’t want to find someone to replace Simon. I wanted to find love again and it to bring new meaning to my life.

In this blog I want to help you understand that through grieving you can find love again. It’s not easy, it comes with emotions, fear and often guilt. But I want to help you understand that as much as it isn’t easy, it’s worth it.

How do you know what the right thing to do is?

Losing intimacy, support, understanding and partnership leaves a gaping hole in our lives. To begin with we try to fill the void. We search for fulfilment any way we can, eating, drinking, dating or working.

You will go on a grieving journey, which I discussed in my last...

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