EP29 Dating After Loss; Widowhood And The Journey To New Love
How do we find joy after the loss of our person?
Debbie Weiss, a former lawyer & author shares her experience through grief after the loss
of her husband, George.
Debbie turned to writing with essays published in The New York Times’ “Modern Love”
column, HuffPost, Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, Elle Decor, and Reader’s Digest.
Debbie has also taken her journey through grief and written the book, Available As Is,
which is a memoir about searching for love after loss and finding yourself.
Listen as we talk about:
- How Debbie coped with the initial shock of her husband’s passing
- Dating after loss & navigating your way through grief while dating
- Practical tips to ease back into dating
- The self discovery and awareness that occurs on your healing journey
Learn more about Debbie Weiss:
Website: Debbie Weiss Author
Facebook: Debbie Weiss
Instagram: Debbie Weiss Author
LinkedIn: Debbie Weiss Writer
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