Discovering You with Special Guest Marie

This is honestly such a powerful and meaningful conversation, I cannot wait for you to hear it.

Marie and I talk about how we discover who we are after the loss of a life partner and it is so good, Marie blows me away in parts.

This conversation left me absolutely buzzing, so much wisdom, honesty and mind blowing thoughts are shared, you will walk away feeling richer and more empowered for having listened.

Marie is the owner and founder of Empowered Through Grief gaining her over 30k followers on Instagram.

Her ability to put into words what we all feel and experience is awe-inspiring.

Marie shares with us in this conversation how the changes she felt happening within her grief felt natural, that they revealed who she is at her core. 

Marie went on to say that she followed what felt right throughout her journey, and still does. Not to say she gets it all right, but that she goes with what her instincts tell her, her inner knowing, it’s something we could all learn to do more of for sure.

We discuss;

-The importance of self awareness

-Creating a meaningful life

-How we define ourselves

-The difference between our values and our roles and identities

-How to reduce our guilt around living

-How to cultivate a life that feels good

-Processing the complexity of grief

This conversation is rich with compassion, empathy and inspiration, take your time to really listen, and then listen again.


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