£1,497.00 GBP

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Finding Hope In Widowhood 🌻

A twelve month group coaching programme to help you find a way forward through the chaotic mess of widowhood, reducing the overwhelm, and finding hope for the future.

What you'll get:

  • A safe, non-judegmental space where you can connect with other widows wanting to find their way through grief more positively, creating connections and community whilst supporting each other. Learn how to turn the focus back onto you and start taking those steps towards a brighter future.
  • Within this coaching package I will show you how you can develop the skills to find balance, gain clarity and discover hope.

  • Learn the tools and strategies you need to help you find your way through your grief, so you can take back control of your life and start creating your new normal.

  • Work on creating a higher level of self awareness, noticing how you think, feel and behave which is vital in order to make the necessary changes in life so you don't become stuck.

  • Develop the skills needed to empower you to switch the focus onto you and take responsibility for your healing.

  • Understand how you can take your loved one with you, honouring their life and all they taught you, reducing guilt and shame around moving forward.

  • Ultimately, you will discover you again, who you are now, what you desire and how you want life to look, so you no longer feel so lost.